Using the External Tools menu options.

The information in this article applies to:

  • Prism Suite 


            The Externals Tools menu options are separated into two categories, the general Tools category and the specific Single Computer Apps category.  The Tools category is where you would add general applications for launching from the menu bar within the Prism Console.  The Single Computer Apps category is where you would add computer specific commands for launching from a right-click menu within the Prism Console.


            Launch the Prism Console and choose Tools | Edit Tools Menu.  This will open the ExternalToolsConfig.ini file that can be customized to include other applications and commands.  A Readme is included at the beginning of the file with further details on usage.  Anything that is added to the [Tools] section will appear under the Tools menu item in the Console.  Anything that is added to the [SingleComputerApps] section will appear in the right-click menu of a computer in the Console.


Add to the [Tools] section:

"Remote Desktop Connection=mstsc.exe"
- This allows you to launch the Remote Desktop Connection from within the Prism Console.

"Registry Editor=regedit.exe"
- This allows you to launch the Registry Editor from within the Prism Console.

Add to the [SingleComputerApps] section:

"Remote Desktop Connection=mstsc.exe /v:%computername%"
- This allos you make a Remote Desktop Connection to the specific computer

"Ping=cmd.exe /K ping %computername%"
- This allows you to ping the client machine.

 "C$ Admin Share=explorer \\%computername%\c$"
- This allows you to open the C: drive of the client machine.